Surety does bring ruin, more often than not. Many of my biggest mistakes stemmed from "the things I know that just ain't so." I've made the reduction of beliefs/labels I let into my identity to be a central element of my personal philosophy. Everything else? Lightly held working hypotheses get the job done well enough, I find. Existing this way requires a "light touch," when it comes to subjects, when in speaking about them or thinking about them. It's easy to get carried away with a hypotheses to make it seem stronger than facts dictate.


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Jul 25Liked by Doug Bates

"Make a commitment, woe approaches" not too far from "attachments are the source of suffering".

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Excellent discussion. I'd completely forgotten the third delphic maxim. thank you

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the forgotten maxim reminded me of a story about a travelling sage and their student. Where at the beginning of the trip the sage advises the student not to become anything. Several days pass and the advice was forgotten. Then one evening they fall asleep in stable and are awoken rudely by the King's soldiers who want to know who they are. The sage remains quiet but the student is outraged and says don't you know this is a great sage and I am his student? At which point the guards carry him away and lock him up.

The sage says nothing and continues his journey.

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I'm just out here trying to dethrone this William of Ockham fella...


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